Solo Plays
Written and Performed by Joanna
Coming Soon….
At 5:35 AM on November 6th, 2024, daughter of the diaspora, actor Joanna Rush is forced to decide whether to stay in the country of her birth as it hurtles toward fascism or to seek asylum in the country of her ancestors.
Sexism, ageism, and cynicism: the comedy!
Sex & Power covers territory from evolutionary biology to Greek mythology as well as hilarious anecdotes from Rush’s career. Joanna Rush takes a cold, hard, and honest look at rape culture, toxic masculinity, the origins of sexual inequality, and ultimately inspires productive ways for both men and women to effect change. This one-woman phenomenon provides insights that will help heal today’s sorry state of sexual affairs. Rush’s creative, nontraditional outlook offers hope and a roadmap for how to propel the #MeToo movement into a healthier sexual landscape for all.