Love is in the air

It’s a very emotional time. So much change. I just went back to seminary to immerse myself in Interspiritual counseling studies, which goes beyond Interfaith and into the territory of soul – before we were introduced to religion. It’s bringing up a lot of heretofore undiscovered truth for me. At the same time I’ve started work on a new project and we’re probably moving. Plus I’m trying to establish a presence on social media to get the word out about the book. “Asking For It” has a lovely and talented intern, Rebecca Reimbolt, and Heliotrope Books has the amazing PR person, Nancy Moon, and the trick is that I have to supply them with tweets and posts and tumbles and blogs,


then there’s my homework for counseling and the research for my new project, “Accidental Mummies,” and my day job and certainly not least my family. So tonight I am going to help the grandkids with homework, reading, and bedtime before I hit the gym. Yogi, my dog, is in love. Spring is in the air and life is good.

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